Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Eating Veggies Really IS Good for You!

I have done a lot of experimenting with my own body's natural alkaline balance and have found out the following:

1. Good water is a must! I drink the Kangen water by Enagic. I love my machine so much that I have become an Independent distributor and sell them. The Kangen machine is a water ionizer. It takes the tap water that we have going through 3 filters under our sink, runs it over several medical grade titanium plates, ionizes the water so that when it comes out the spout it is alkaline. The word "Kangen" means back to origin. The water becomes alkaline the way it use to be before the earth was polluted. There are still places in the world, places which boast of healing waters, that have this alkaline based water. The first thing I put in my body in the morning is 32 ounces of 9.5 pH water.

2. I eat my heaviest protein based meal at lunch. When I eat my meats or proteins earlier in the day and only eat vegetables or fruits in the evenings, I almost always wake up with a balanced pH. I check my first urination in the mornings to see where I am in my alkalinity. There are pH strips you can purchase to do this. Some people check their saliva. I use the liquid indicator that I purchase from Enagic. When I eat my vegetables and raw foods in the evenings, my morning pH is usually at 7.4. Perfect!

3. Too many acid foods such as beef, chicken, peanuts, refined sugars, and pasta's, even brown rice pasta's, make my body go more acid. A good rule of thumb for me is to eat at least 90% plant based foods and only 10% animal based foods. This is not always easy for me to do, I love meat, but I feel better when I do it!

4. Limit stress! Yep, limit your stress. How do I limit my stress? I schedule my time and allow private quiet time for myself. I am in charge of my life and what I do is usually of my choosing. If I feel that I don't have a say about all the "to do's" that come my way, things need to get done, I tell myself that I have a choice in how I feel about those things. I choose my path, I choose how I feel about my path. I can be mad, or glad. The other day I was shopping with my daughter and accidentally kicked over part of a display of aluminum drinking containers. They fell all over the floor and boy did they clatter when they fell! I remember thinking to myself, ugh, I am so embarrassed. And then I broke out laughing!!! Stressed? At first, for a spit second. Then the laughter replaced my stress with cheer, everyone in line laughed with me and someone said, "Don't worry, it has happened to a lot of people."

5. Eat fiber and keep your bowels functioning properly. I love the book by Bernard Jensen titled "Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care". Do you understand the function of your bowels? Most of us don't. I eat at least 20 grams of fiber each day from psyllium seed husk and the rest from whole grains such as brown rice, vegetables and fruits.

Here is a sample of one of our favorite evening meals. It's just a plate of raw vegetables and dip. I don't eat dairy so I make this tasty dip by taking some mayonnaise and unsweetened Almond milk, original flavor, equal portions, and add a touch of garlic salt and 1 to 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes. I whisk it until smooth and have a tasty dip I can eat. Even my husband likes it! In this photo I put a little mango sauce on the side. The crackers are brown rice with seaweed. Warning, an acquired taste is necessary for some to eat the crackers.  

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