Friday, June 22, 2012

In the Beginning.....

When I was fourteen my mother made a drastic life style change towing me along side her as she went. She decided that we needed to improve our health and eat differently. Out came the books and off we went to the lectures on health and wellness.

I vividly remember the day I first met Dr. John Christopher, Master Herbalist. He was a unique man with his thick white hair and mustache! He surprised me at one lecture when he eagerly ate a heaping teaspoon full of very hot cayenne pepper without so much as batting an eye! What? No way could I do that, and no way did I want to do that!

Then there were the lectures by Dr. West, Bernard Jensen, and many other great and knowledgeable healers. Today I often find myself reading their books as well as books of Gary Young, David Stewart, Sang Whang, Deepak Chopra, and Hiromi Shinya. I guess you could say I am continuing on the wellness path my mother began years ago, and I am grateful.

I invite you to join me as we journey on this path together. It is my intention to lead, guide and direct as we all experience our journey of wellness. Thank you for joining me, now let us begin!